Plan for revival of Barcelona

Xavi General Manager, Cruyff Sports Manager, Messi not in plan

Election race in Barcelona, which started even before Bartomeu resigned, entered the last month. Presidential candidate, Viktor Font, proposed the basics of his project if he is elected as the president of football club Barcelona. He plan to appoint Xavi as a General Manager while Jordi Cruyff would be Sports Director. Font has nothing against Koeman to remain as a head coach.


“Xavi will be responsible for football decisions of Barcelona. He has the quality, leadership, he knows and loves the club. Cruyff would be responsible for signing the players and other sport issues”, said Font.

The elections are scheduled for 24th of January, 2021.

Among other things, Font spoke about the upcoming transfer window. He declared Eric Garcia as a top transfer target. On the list of priorities is to work thing out with Lionel Messi who expressed his wish to leave Barcelona.

Candidates for the upcoming elections are Jordi Fare, Toni Freixa, Luis Fernandes, Agsti Benedito and Pere Reira while Joan Laporta announce that he will candidate as well.


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